Slogging week 3 here. Some interesting but also challenging material we worked on this week. We learned the effects of conjunction, disjunction and standard negation on common symbolic notation. We learned that conjunction is basically the combination of two logical statements represented by the symbol "^" such that neither part is false. Translate to english this symbol is roughly equivalent to 'and'. We also learned it's opposite, called disjunction, represented by the "v" symbol, which in english translates roughly to 'or' and means that one of two truth values must be true. And, finally, standard negation which as you may guess means that in a conjunction of two statements both statements must be false. In english this translates to 'not'.
We also learned more about implication and how it can be manipulated through a variety of different rules and equivalencies. On friday, however, we took a unusual break from lecture in which we partnered up with someone in class to solve a puzzle regarding the pattern of folding paper. This was quite an interesting exercise as we had to come up with ideas in a more present manner.
For me, this week in particular was difficult as I missed a class due to sickness and was set back by the difference in knowledge. To help myself catch up, I attended the CSC Undergraduate Help Lab in the Bahen Centre were I was able to gain the insight provided in class.
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