Friday, September 26, 2014

CSC165 Week 2

Hello again,

Week 2 is over and I'm starting to believe the rumours, haha.  The course material has become much more "confusing".  We learned a lot about translating rational sentences in the english language to computable sentences with symbols and logic.  We worked a bit more on quantifiers, learning the circumstances for what to look for while verifying and falsifying proofs. The Tutorial for this week was quite informing, however I am not to sure if I did well or not on the quiz.

The more difficult information in my opinion was the information on implication and negation.  I am still finding this difficult and so I intend to research some videos or other literary material on the subject and if it still doesn't come to me I will go to teachers hours or the CSC help centre.  I didn't do as well as I anticipated on the tutorial quiz from last week so I intend on researching the matter further.  Overall, however, I still feel confident in my ability to perform in this class but I will need to seek the help on the areas I find difficult.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

CSC165 Week 1

Hello Everyone,

Week 1 for CSC165 at the University of Toronto is finished.  We did quite a bit of work refreshing the brain on number notation and set theory. The main topics covered, consisted of the necessary use of precision in word and symbol notation while programming and everything else in Computer Science. The reason behind this is that computers do not understand the ambiguity that we use in our everyday communication and thus we must be very precise to ensure that our programs compute in the correct manner.

At the beginning of the week I felt slightly frustrated by certain proofs, particularly the boolean problem sets in the lecture slides and found that venn diagrams confused the matter even more. To solve this problem I did a bit of internet research which aided my understanding, and by the end of the week I felt more confident and found that completing the tutorial problems for the following week was quite a bit easier. I am interested to see how I did on the tutorial quiz and will go from there on what concepts I may need more clarity on.

To finish up the week we learned about quantifiers, universal claims and existential claims which I found quite interesting.  Oddly enough these problems caused me very little difficult and the concepts even aided me in further understanding certain tasks for CSC108.